Yozo Suzuki, Founder of:
Capital Direction & SV-FINTECH Fund in Japan
and SV Frontier in Silicon Valley
Yozo is a founder of SV-FINTECH Fund which invests in Fintech startups in Asia and is a joint venture between CAPITAL DIRECTION and CARTA HOLDINGS, the TSE 1st company.
CEOs of his portfolio companies speak highly about his business development capabilities with his broad contact of network. He has invested in about 30 companies in Tokyo and Silicon Valley and about 10 companies as an angel investor.
Before starting his own VC Fund, SV Frontier, in 2014, he was Senior Vice President of Business Development in Silicon Valley at DeNA Global that operates one of the largest mobile social network services. His first professional career started at MITSUBISHI CORPORATION, the top trading company in Japan.
MBA at YALE School of Management and B.A. in Commerce at WASEDA University. He was educated at WASEDA for 10 years.
Exit track records:
– Appurify was acquired by Google
– Aarki was acquired by Skillz
– Threedy.ai was acquired by NexTech
– Kokopelli IPO in Japan
– Chatwork IPO in Japan
– Venteny IPO in Jakarta
Area of expertise:
FinTech, Digital marketing, SaaS, E-commerce, Mobile apps and Ad network.
鈴木 陽三(すずき ようぞう)プロフィール:一部上場企業 CARTA HOLDINGSとCAPITAL DIRECTIONの合弁で、フィンテックベンチャーに投資・事業開発支援するSV-FINTECH Fundを創業。三菱商事にて10年間勤務した後、ベンチャーが急成長するダイナミズムに魅せられて、投資先CEOと一緒に事業開発やパートナーシップを数多く支援。早稲田大学商学部出身、米国YALE大学MBA
Yozo & his portfolio CEO covered by Forbes Japan
投資先企業CEOとともにForbes Japanに掲載
Community that SV-FINTECH created
SV-FINTECH コミュニティー
At Capital Direction, we invest and develop business together with management. We are good at finding right partners to make larger things happen.
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Business Development & Partnership